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BY PFD PE, Lekker Braai RSA

Recipe ingredients and methods below:

Makes about 18

500 ml cake flour
10 ml baking powder
pinch of salt
25 ml sugar
125 g margarine
3 large eggs separated
40 ml cold water
200 ml white sugar
400 ml desiccated coconut
apricot jam

Pre-heat the oven to 180° C.
Lightly coat 18 patty-pan cavities with cooking spray.
Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl. Rub in the margarine thoroughly.
Add in the sugar, followed by the egg yolks and water, working lightly to bind together to form a ball of firm but pliable pastry.
Roll out the pastry fairly thinly on a floured worktop, and cut out 7cm diameter rounds.
Gently press them into the prepared patty-pans, and spoon a small teaspoon of jam into the base of each.
Beat the egg whites until stiff.
Fold the sugar and coconut into the egg white.
Spoon generous spoons of this topping over the jam, to cover completely.
Bake for 20 minutes.

Maak ongeveer 18

500 ml koekmeel
10 ml bakpoeier
n knippie sout
25 ml suiker
125 g margarien
3 groot eiers geskei
40 ml koue water
200 ml witsuiker
400 ml klapper

Voorverhit die oond tot 180 ° C.
Bedek 18 pattie-holtes liggies met kookspuit.
Sif meel, bakpoeier en sout in 'n bak. Vryf die margarien deeglik in.
Voeg die suiker by, gevolg deur die eiergele en water, en werk liggies om saam te bind tot 'n stewige deeg, maar buigbare deeg.
Rol die deeg taamlik dun uit op 'n meelbestrooide werkblad en sny rondes van 7 cm in deursnee.
Druk dit saggies in die voorbereide patty-pannetjies en skep 'n klein teelepel konfyt in die onderkant van elkeen.
Klits die eierwitte styf.
Vou die suiker en klapper by die eierwit in.
Dkep ruim lepels van hierdie bolaag oor die konfyt om dit heeltemal te bedek.
Bak vir 20 minute.

Lekker Braai recipe
Image: my easy cooking

 March 20, 2022
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